Posts Tagged 'Abbotsford'

Heat Increases Stupidity

Recently in Abbotsford, British Columbia close to where I live, a story appeared in the news about a father who left his two young children in his van while he went to the bar at a local fair. I don’t think I have to tell anyone here that this is not something you should do. Any person with even half a mind should be able to figure out that you do not leave your children unattended in a car.

ABBOTSFORD NEWS: Infants found locked in van while father drinks at bar (including video)

Now if that is not stupid enough for you all, here is a little more background information. right now the Fraser Valley region of British Columbia is going through a heat wave with temperatures ranging from 25c to 45c daily. Second fact, the father left the windows rolled up so there was NO air flow at all through the van.

Now even though it was 1am when the children was found (which I feel stupid saying “even though” since which idiot leaves his children in a van at 1am much less in the daytime), it was still around 20c to 25c outside that night and we all know that number was probably closer to 30c in the hot van with no air flow.

The children, aged four months and two years were taken by Child Protective Services for the time being were checked out by paramedics and found to be dehydrated. The video attached to the news article is particularly heart-wrenching as you see the young child wailing.

What really makes me mad is that the father was released from police custody, which is not necessaryly the fault of the police as much as our justice system. Right now the charges are pending on the father and they are still investigating.

As we have no information on the mother, and she may have just married an idiot, I am hoping the Ministry of Children and Family Development (Child Protective Services) will look into the mother and if she is fit to take full custody of the children. If not, I hope a suitable family is found for the children.

The only “good” sight of the video on the Abbotsford Times website was seeing the father in the back of the police car sweating his face off. I hope the police forgot to put on the air conditioner so the man knows how his kids felt.

Infants found locked in van while father drinks at bar


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  • frolickingprincess 1 hour ago

    Stop blaming the mother; the comments reek of misogyny. This horrible situation is the father’s responsibility. It was he that chose a night at the “Fat Pig Saloon” (only in Abbotsford would there be such a bar) over his children. He is the one who is subject to a criminal investigation.
  • clearlyc 2 hours ago

    if their was actually evidence that the man was in the bar and drunk why wasnt he charged? as far as i know he was their for an emergency and to let others in the bar be acknowleged of it! the children were not left in the car for hours and the man was not intoxicated. If he had been drunk driving charges would of applied. I also heard the children had been taken to hospital but were not even seen by a doctor because their was no cause of concern for dehydration. Clearly the news takes the first bit of info and does not receive the whole story i hope that the children are back with the mother as soon as possible
  • cmbell 3 hours ago

    I have two kids around the same ages, and it just kills me to hear this story.
    Children in general are so vulnerable and depend totally and completely on their parents to care for them, and this is what they do?! I can only imagine what is happening behind closed doors.
    So sad, and makes me angry and terrified for those children and their future.
  • neener26 10 hours ago

    This just breaks my heart. I have a 4-month-old and could never, ever imagine putting him in that kind of danger. This man is a disgrace and should never be allowed to see these children again. He should be punished immensely. I pray their mother is nothing like him and that they both realize he could have killed their two little boys. How sad is it that alcohol and partying can become more important than your own children.
  • MrsSandford 11 hours ago

    I’m also guessing the mother wasn’t too concerned with the children’s safety. No calls to police. At that time of night/morning if my kids were still out with Daddy I’d be flipping out and everyone would have been alerted just in case of an accident or something.
    Not all baby’s are breast-fed BUT formula would not have kept in a warm van (I believe it only lasts an hour in the best of conditions) What if that baby had choked? The dangers of a baby’s head slumping down in a car seat and cutting off the windpipe are there as well (that’s why they warn you not to leave a baby to sleep in one)
    And for the record even when I just pop over to pay for gas… I TAKE MY KIDS WITH ME. The risk is too great imo. Someone could break in, hit the vehicle, anything.
  • heidi2009 14 hours ago

    What a piece of garbage this guy is. I hope his wife/the mother is not as sub-human (where was she that the children were left with this trash) The infant could have died! You know you have a psychological & sociopathic problem when you leave your children like this. What arrogance & selfishness. There were so many horrible things that could have happened.

    Take the children away from him, he does not love them, he loves himself too much. He’s going to say sorry and plead with the judge, they will slap him on the wrist and someday he’ll do the same thing or the children will be in a similar situation where they are put at enormous risk. That little baby needs breast milk on demand, it’s his only nutrient. He can only scream (as you heard on the video) to tell you he is hungry, dehydrated, afraid confused, wants his mother and is uncomfortable sitting in his soiled diaper. WHERE WAS HIS MOTHER!!!??? The poor little 2 year old???, just breaks my heart.

    Let the Dad sit in 28-34 degree weather in a hot van without food for a few days, nor water nor anyone there to care about his safety!

    I want to know about this family, they are obviously too young, horrible and stupid! to have children.

    I am furious and think he’s trash. No bleeding heart for me. Thank God that woman overheard him. He should be charged with child endangerment, child abandonment & assault.

  • dscofield 16 hours ago

    Where was the mother and why were the chilldren not returned to her care pending a ministry investigation? I feel for those children, especially the eldest who has already bonded with his parents….no matter how bad they were ….he surely loves them
  • generic3 16 hours ago

    The guy was drinking in a bar buut noiit charged with care and control of MV so he must not have been in the bar long and was on his way back. Now was this just poor police work, if they had let him get in the car or see him with the keys why wasn’t he investigated for drunk driving charges? Although I don’t think this is smart ; how many people have left their kids in the car to go into a 7-11 to get ad drink so what is the difference?
  • disgusted1812 14 hours ago

    The kids were hungry, dehydrated, soaked with sweat and wearing soiled diapers. They had been neglected for quite a while, and presumably if he had been there long enough for a woman to hear him say that he left his kids in the car and inform the police he had been there for some time. And, not that condoning this either, but the parents who leave their kids in the car to go into 7-11 usually don’t leave them long enough for dehydration to kick in.

    Since you obviously don’t get it, I’m very glad that you aren’t my parent, and I worry for any children that you may have.

  • J_DUB 17 hours ago

    I have a great idea ! Leave this loser low life in the back of the cop car until his court date. It’s bad enough to leave the kids unattended,but to leave them locked in a car ? Not to mention drinking then driving with the kids in the car. What a complete waste of life. I hope someone finds the low life and gives him what he deserves,,, a severe ass kicking ! As if Abbotsford doesn’t have a bad enough rap without having this to add to it.
  • vickiejobe 23 hours ago

    So much more needs to be done to ensure that children are protected from people like this. The present laws in our country permit people to get away with these things. I would like to see that change.
  • 104 1 day ago

    The way the courts act he will probably get a slap om the hand and let go please go ahead and do that I am sure that this comunity will do your job for you also would like very much to know where was the mom do not for any reason let him have these kids back, this is not acceptable
  • TJ7 1 day ago

    Daddy’s nuts need to be hacked off so he can never father another child! If found guilty, I hope the judge that presides over this case has enough brains to lock this selfish-jerk up for a really long time! Thank-god these children didn’t die from their dad’s reckless behaviour!
  • TJ7 1 day ago

    Daddy’s nuts need to be hacked off so he can never father another child! If found guilty, I hope the judge that presides over this case has enough brains to lock this selfish-jerk up for a really long time! Thank-god these children didn’t die from their dad’s reckless behaviour!
  • MrsSandford 1 day ago

    Those kids are my kids ages and I don’t even like having to go out of the same room as them let alone leaving them in a stuffy van all alone to fend for themselves! What kind of ignorant ass chooses substance abuse over the welfare of their own child??? I hope he never sees them again!
  • abbotsford_citizen 1 day ago

    This man (I won’t dignify him with the title father) should NEVER see these children again. He should be locked in a hot vehicle himself! I hope that this man doesn’t get custody of these children again. He obviously has no idea what it takes to be a responsible human being, never mind a parent. His sentence should include a vasectomy so he can’t reproduce anymore.
  • gayleclayton 1 day ago

    This is the Height of ignorance, what an idiot I can’t belive that someone would be that careless I am lucky that I don’t know who did it or I may not be able to be so nice, someone should lock him in a vehicle.
  • SemiahmooWR 1 day ago

    Just heard about this on the radio. Man, I’d really like a shot at the father. What kind human being could selfishly indulge himself leaving his kids unattended, let alone in this type of weather. I mean, in this day and age of child abductions, how could he do it? And then drinking and driving on top of that? Seeing that child crying at :53 his heartbreaking. Signed: one disgusted guy.
  • disgusted1812 1 day ago

    What a disgusting excuse for a human being… I hope someone locks him in a car and leaves him to die. Thank god that the kids are ok, but I’m terrified that he will get custody again.
  • brodiegirl33 1 day ago

    My heart breaks for these babies, thank GOD it didn’t end up with a tragic outcome.
    I pray this man doesn’t have access to his children any longer without supervision. That little one was only 4 months old, SIDS can happen with very little overheating, and he left the baby like that!
  • Gardener 1 day ago

    This story is shocking. Please don’t send these babies back to the father; there are many, MANY people who would LOVE to give these kids a great home, a great life. Regrettable, anyone can create babies; not everyone can look after them.
  • bruceE 6 hours ago

    What an outrage, and what a scumbag for a parent to do this to those helpless children. THAT MAN SHOULD BE FLOGGED.
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